In December 2022, the biennial conference The Future of Transatlantic Relations organised jointly by the Europa-Kolleg Hamburg and the Bundeskanzler-Helmut-Schmidt-Stiftung brought together distinguished speakers from both sides of the Atlantic to discuss the changing politics of transatlantic trade relations. We invited six young scholars to join and contribute to the conference with their unique perspective. As FOTAR scholars, the next generation of transatlanticists continue our discussion from the conference in an upcoming virtual event series.
The first event aims to promote the transatlantic conversation on the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the Green Deal Industrial Plan (GDIP) and their complex implications for trade and climate policy cooperation.
In this discussion, FOTAR scholars Emily Burlinghaus and Manisha Reuter will discuss the complex implications of the IRA and GDIP with Lee Beck, Senior Director Europe at Clean Air Task Force and Sarah Jackson, Policy Advisor at E3G. How can the US and EU avoid a transatlantic trade conflict and subsidy race-to-the-bottom? How can the EU make sure that GDIP benefits will be fairly distributed? And what are the potential impacts of green subsidy schemes from other actors such as China and Japan on European and US competitiveness?
The webinar will be in English. Participation is only possible after prior online registration.